Author Archive

Work-Life Balance: Fundamental Disagreements – Part III

Monday, September 17th, 2012

If you haven’t read Part I and Part II, you might want to catch up to the discussion by going there first. My solutions? 1)      Ditch the dream (not the American dream, your dream). Tell our children that following your heart is pointless and unproductive (unless you are one of the lucky few who’s heart […]

Work-Life Balance: Fundamental Disagreements – Part II

Monday, September 17th, 2012

First read this.  The problem is I can’t seem to not buy it. Why? Health care coverage requires a job that offers affordable benefits. Jobs for creative, sensitive types are few and far between, which means that those individuals (like me) have no choice but to select careers that will provide a means to an […]

Work-Life Balance: Fundamental Disagreements – Part I

Monday, September 17th, 2012

I fundamentally disagree with the notion that as parents we should work in jobs that kill our souls, barely pay the bills, and simultaneously require us to bend over backwards to provide educational opportunities for our children beyond what is provided during the school day. My reasons? 1)      By working ourselves in jobs that do […]

Top 10 Reasons I Love to Ride My Bike to Work in the Summer!

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

First I should say that my ride is on trails that go through the woods, which means most of the time I am under a canopy and off the road (otherwise I think I’d be too scared to ride a bike on the major roads). I also live approximately five miles from where I work. […]

Guerrilla Art in the Office

Monday, July 20th, 2009

Yesterday I started my first installment of Guerrilla Art in the Office, an idea I got after reading “The Art in the Office: How to Creatively Survive and Thrive Seven Days  a Week” by Summer Pierre.  Everyone should read this book.  Even non-artists.  Really. Actually, I’ve been doing Guerrilla Art for most of my adult […]

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