Archive for the 'Art' Category

Getting Creative

Monday, July 12th, 2010

I have this weird love affair with the Ideal Mother.  You know, the one who bakes all her food from scratch with only organic ingredients.  The one who sews cute little outfits for her children and makes dainty crafts and quilts.  The one who practices yoga and channels the Earth Goddess in her spare time.  […]

Guerrilla Art in the Office

Monday, July 20th, 2009

Yesterday I started my first installment of Guerrilla Art in the Office, an idea I got after reading “The Art in the Office: How to Creatively Survive and Thrive Seven Days  a Week” by Summer Pierre.  Everyone should read this book.  Even non-artists.  Really. Actually, I’ve been doing Guerrilla Art for most of my adult […]

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