Guerrilla Art in the Office
Yesterday I started my first installment of Guerrilla Art in the Office, an idea I got after reading “The Art in the Office: How to Creatively Survive and Thrive Seven Days a Week” by Summer Pierre. Everyone should read this book. Even non-artists. Really.
Actually, I’ve been doing Guerrilla Art for most of my adult life; I just thought I was the only one who did it. When I moved to Santa Fe, NM, in my early 20’s I left little notes in bathroom stalls along I-40. I referred to them as magical fairy notes. People who found them probably thought I was nuts. Which I am. But in a good way, I hope.
Yesterday, I placed yellow sticky notes with inspirational messages in the stalls of the women’s bathroom and one over the coffeemaker at my office. They read:
1) Yes. You make a difference.
2) Keep up the Good Work.
3) This moment is more important than you think.
If nothing else, I get a kick out of seeing them every time I use the bathroom or make coffee. No one has taken them down so I was happy to at least survived a day on the walls of a federal building.
Next up, mommy cartoons.